
A self-confessed fitness buff for most of her adult life, Swiss had been a regular gym-goer, swimmer and competing in local Marathon. She began her yoga journey in 2013 with Hatha Yoga and found that the discipline of yoga spoke to her. Swiss started looking at other types of yoga styles and is currently enjoying the Hatha and Vinyasa styles of practice. Swiss is deeply committed to and has had a consistent daily practice for the past 7 years. However, she believes in having balance in life, both on and off the mat. While she prefers a strong practice, her style of teaching is nurturing yet challenging. Swiss is master yoga teacher from yoga alliance international (TTC 500Hours). Swiss is international certified fitness trainer from Bangkok. Swiss done one year diploma in yoga from MDU University. Swiss have done bachelor in physical education. (Anatomy, kinesiology, physiology, psychology).

* E-RYT - Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher; E-RPYT - Experienced Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher; E-RCYT - Experienced Registered Children's Yoga Teacher; YACEP- Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider.


Amit Gautam, he from Haryana India. Amit have done master in yoga and he have holding certified fitness certificate. Amit is very regular practice in yoga and wrestling. Through the stressful and sometimes painful life as a yogi, Amit found yoga to be the most beneficial compliment, both mentally and physically, to wrestling. His initial relationship with yoga has deepened throughout his practice. Amit believes whole heartedly in yoga's transformative nature, and respects the power that yoga possesses to keep one grounded, focused, accountable, and aware of even the smallest moments on and off the mat. He has been practicing seriously for 11 years, and became a 500 hour RYT through yoga alliance international in 2014 under the incomparable teachings of one of his biggest influences, Arjun. Currently, Amit is teaching 500-hour RYT--training 300 hours and meditation.

Amit believes the practice and teachings of yoga allow us to contribute to the greater good by providing us deeper resources of presence, compassion, and patience. His teaching style is fun and creative with great focus on the movement/breath connection. To Amit, transitions can be just as important as the postures, so prepare to feel the beauty in the "in between" - for life is about the journey and not the destination. Come flow, feel, and go deeper into your own yoga practice in a supportive, inclusive environment. Hoodie-Hoo!


Utsav has been leading monthly Kirtans at davannayoga since 2009. Check our Events page for specific dates. His experience in music and the magic of music in yoga, meditation and life is immense. Utsav's background includes 2 years at kbs's School of Performing Arts, PRC. And two years at UC gwalior,india as well as 5 years of Private Piano Immersion in Viradavan with Piano Masters.

For the past six years he has been the director at Saraswati Multidimensional Creativity. This group explores the creative process of music and language as an expression of consciousness. Prior to his music career, Utsav creative background includes being creative director at Munna sharma, in India. He spent five years prior producing, editing and assisting the director for Music school in India. Utsav ji leads a meditation group twice per week in his own meditation space in Vallarta and loves to surf, practice yoga and meditate.

"The attraction that one finds in music makes one wonder if there is a mystery hidden behind it, if there is a language of sound which could be learned. The answer is that the language of music and sound is the language of the soul. It is our inner language, the natural language of life." "It is the tone and rhythm of sound which have an influence on the tone and rhythm of our being. By the help of music we can tune ourselves to the spheres where we wish to be, aiming to higher planes of expression where we can discover the inner and outer balance of our own bright soul, for understanding, freedom and love."

Brijender Sharma

Brijender started practicing yoga in him early 30's, initially to try to help with some chronic back pain he had suffered since his teens. he quickly realized that yoga helped her back pain, but also had myriad other benefits, including overall physical fitness, improved sleep, decreased stress, and a general sense of peace and joy that began to spill over into his life off the mat. As he began to practice more regularly, he realized that he wanted more of this peace and calm in his life. He and his wife decided to slow down and simplify their lives, focusing more on a healthy lifestyle. He found yog shalla, and fell in love with the davannayoga style and community. A passion arose in his to learn more about the origins of yoga, the philosophy behind this amazing practice, and why it works to improve our bodies, minds, and spirits in so many ways. Brijendra is a davannayoga certified teacher and yoga alliance international he is looking forward to share the practice with you.

Brijender believes that yoga has something to offer every single person in every stage of their lives. We all come to yoga with different needs and goals for the practice, which will likely change and grow over time depending on our life circumstances. Sometimes we may not even know what our goals are, but yoga will still be there guiding us. Brijender' s hope as a teacher is to help each student accomplish whatever he or he is seeking, and in the end to help students discover how yoga allows us to uncover and embrace our true selves, as the radiant, healthy, blissful, and loving beings that we are deep down.


Pradeep E-RYT - 500, ERCYT, ERPYT, YACEP
Pradeep has studied yoga since 1991. He has teaching yoga in 7 countries in Asia and four country in Europe) and experimented with ways of peace and happiness found in each country. He has folded those peace petals into the Hatha yoga style which he teaches in Greta scarno Italian film star in Singapore, Pradeep is an *E-RYT, *E-RPYT, *E-RCYT through the Yoga Alliance, a Senior Yogic Arts instructor, a certified Yoga teacher and holds certificates in fitness, aqua fitness lineage which he continues to study the in India. He offers Yoga Teacher Training programs many times per year. Pradeep also offers mentoring programs (see "Mentoring" tab on our site). His teachers include: Master Arjun swami, Sri Swami Vidyanand, Shri manoj Thakur and the teachers at the Krishnamacharya Yoga in India.

He is known for his powerful practice, intuitive understanding of the body and his creative, and engaging teaching style. Pradeep has led over 5000 hours of yoga teacher training courses and has over 18,000 hours of teaching registered with the International Yoga Alliance.

* E-RYT - Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher; E-RPYT - Experienced Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher; E-RCYT - Experienced Registered Children's Yoga Teacher; YACEP- Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider


In 1997, Miyu practicing yoga and instantly recognized the numerous healing benefits yoga has to offer. She earned her RYT 200 Yoga Alliance certification through Yoga Alliance international USA, And 500hours Teacher Training Course from Yoga Alliance international, specializing in Hatha and Vinyasa. Being a lifelong learner, she has studied with world-renowned instructors, including Swami vidyanand, and many others. She creates a safe, non-competitive space for her students to dive beneath the surface of their daily lives to find deeper meaning and inspiration. Her classes offer creative sequences with intentional themes, emphasizing the importance of proper alignment, pranayama breathing techniques, mindfulness, and meditation. Modification and advanced options are made available for new students and experienced yogis so that all can reach their potential. She is honored to teach yoga, helping to bring balance, awareness, health, and happiness into other's lives. She is from japan.